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We cheer for you!

Dr. Bianca Joseph

29 May 2022

On Thursday, 19 May 2022, a team of four representing BeeConectar took part in the F7 Sport Management Golf Day. F7 Sports Management is a talent management company founded in 2018 by Shafiek Mouton. Shafiek has a passion for sport and the well-being of athletes.

On Thursday, 19 May 2022, a team of four representing BeeConectar took part in the F7 Sport Management Golf Day. F7 Sports Management is a talent managementcompany founded in 2018 by Shafiek Mouton. Shafiek has a passion for sport and thewell-being of athletes. Through his company, he aims to manage, mentor and guidetalented athletes in the world of sport and assist them in fulfilling their full potential.We fully support Shafiek in his ideals and wish him all the best with his company.

The golf day was pure bliss for the BeeConectar team. Between Matthew’s patientcoaching and Quentin’s encouragement and knowledge of which club to use when,everyone soon settled into the game. Shalane and I played our first nine-hole game,and managed to hit the ball straight and far, depending on who was watching.Nonetheless, it was a true team effort.We had one goal: to have fun, and we undoubtedly reached that goal. Whether it tookfive swings to hit the ball, or looking for the balls amongst the trees, there was alwayssomeone ready to assist or motivate. We truly experienced the F7 Sports Managementmotto: We cheer for you!All the best Shafiek – We will keep on cheering for you!

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